Sonderausstellung 2024:
Werke der Künstlerin Siri Holotiuk (geb. Gustavs)

Sonderausstellung mit Werken der Künstlerin Siri Holotiuk

Sonderausstellung 2023:
Werke des Künstlers MATT LAMB

Sonderausstellung 2023 Matt Lamb

Tag des offenen Denkmals 2022

Tag des offenen Denkmals am 11.09.2022, Finissage im Archiv und Open Air Lesung mit Krimiautor Tim Herden

Einweihung des Archivs

On the occassion of the 25th Heritage Day with the motto
“Entdecken, was uns verbindet (Discover What Unites Us)”
on 9 September 2018, the doors of the Old Blacksmith’s Shop were also opened, offering a first view of the transformation during the reconstruction phase.

Info “25th HERITAGE DAY” (PDF)

Special exhibition on 3/4 June 2016

For the first time, the nonprofit organization Eggert Gustavs Gesellschaft presented an exhibition at the Old Blacksmith’s Shop on the Island of Hiddensee – on the occasion of Eggert Gustavs’ 20th death anniversary and prior to the reconstruction of the Eggert Gustavs Museum. Many art lovers accepted the invitation and were delighted with the rustic charm of the building and the high quality of the pictures. Two of the woodcuts inspired the Berlin pianist Annette Wizisla who enchanted the visitors with her own improvisations.
A truly successful exhibition – not least because some watercolors and woodcuts by the Hiddensee painter and graphic artist Eggert Gustavs found new happy owners.